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Der I. Katzenklub

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Mrs. Zorzi, I

receives the third price (catfood for 1 year) from IAMS CEO Mr. Koch.

Mrs. Friskovec, SI student judge, and Ing. Mr. Preiss

Mr. Lütgehetmann, D

Mrs. Schirrer, A, and Mrs. Lenk, D

(from the left to the right)

Mr. Taudt, D

The Art Nouveau Salon

Mrs. Mjanger, USA, and Mrs. Appeltshauser, D

(from the right to the left)

The jubilee cake

Mrs. Hodel-Doppler, CH, Mr. Schreiner, D. and Mrs. Reiff-Zoller, D

(from the right to the left)

Mr. Reis, D

Mrs. and Mr. Lindlbauer, A

Mrs. Mac Arthur, A

Zauner's outside view

Judge Mr. Dr. Sierra-Bernal, MEX, and Ing. Mr. Preiss




Pictures from the 75 years jubilee diner

Set 1   Set 2   Set 3   Set 4


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